Get Involved

happy multi-ethnic volunteer group
CCF members helping flood victims at High River, Calgary, Canada in 2013

Lead a Chapter/Be Part of the Team

For more details on leading a chapter or being part of our team, please contact us.

Multiracial hands making a circle together around the world glob

Becoming a Member

Membership is open to everybody who is willing to abide by the laws of CCF-FCC. To become a member, please download the membership application form, complete & email to us, or mail it to us.

Multiracial Students with Hands on Stack

Get Involved with CCF

Contact us for more information on Partner or Sponsorship opportunities with the Cameroonian-Canadian Foundation.


Could you please Donate to the Cameroonian-Canadian Foundation (CCF) / la Fondation Camerounaise-Canadienne (FCC).