According to the Unesco’s Study Groups and Literacy Programme, Cameroon is still showing high illiteracy rates despite the Government’s efforts to reverse this situation. The proportion of the population that is illiterate varies significantly according to region, ranging from 44.3% in rural areas to 12.2% in towns. The northern and far northern regions of Cameroon have the highest illiteracy rates in the country. Only half of school-age children are actually educated. In the Northern Province and Adamawa, the rates are even higher (60% in Adamawa, 68% in the North Province and 76% in the Far North Province). Our goal is to facilitate access of children/ youth to best possible education at no fee in Cameroon.
Our Foundation is looking for partnership with various organizations, local authorities, communities and individuals, to support renovation of existing classrooms as well as building new schools and supplying furniture for students and teachers. We are targeting new schools over the next 10 years and 30,000 kids/youth and students to receive free education in the province of Adamawa, North Province and Far North Province of Cameroon or anywhere with such need. The schools will help educate poor and orphaned children, abandoned and abused boys and girls who cannot afford to pay tuition fees and other expenses in private or public schools. We are estimating that we will need approximately $200,000 to build the proposed schools.
How to partner with the Foundation on these projects?
You can contact us for more information, partnership and help with the financial assistance that will enable us to undertake the proposed construction work. Some assistance could be in kind once the project is completed (educational materials, books, furniture, equipment).
GoFundme initiative for the Baka School Project in the Dja: